Embracing Street Evangelism to Help Others Inherit Eternal Life

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Embracing Street Evangelism to Help Others Inherit Eternal Life

Now more than ever, our world needs the message of hope and encouragement. It is time for all who live in the hope of eternal life to share their hope with the world and give many people the hope of a new earth and new heaven, as described in Revelation 21, where Jesus will wipe our tears and there will be no more pain, sickness, and death. 

Jesus instructs us in Matthew 28:19-20, saying: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." This is an explicit command to evangelize and bring people to Jesus and, therefore, share the hope of eternal life with them. Where and how can we best spread the gospel of eternal life to people of all nations and languages as our Lord Jesus instructs us? Street evangelism is the answer.

Street evangelism will put you in a position that, as an evangelist, you will cherish. In the streets, you will meet atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, pagans, and even non-believers, with whom you will have the challenge of conversing about the salvation offered by Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life. When you meet these people, they may resist or reject the blessings of eternal life and Jesus and God’s love, but you should take strength from the promise of Jesus in Matthew 28:20 that He will be with us till the end of time.

Although it is hard, noble work, you can find joy in engaging strangers with the promise of eternal life. St. Paul, in his letter to Timothy, acknowledges the hardships of evangelism by writing in Timothy 4:5, "But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." The hardships of street evangelism are part of the challenges we must face as Gospel workers, but they bring great fulfillment. 

As we read in 1st Peter 3:15, "In your hearts you revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." We need to be prepared to meet strangers in the street and answer all their questions with kindness and bring them to Jesus.  And as we do so we can count on the protection of God as we read in Psalms 91 about His protection and care.

GO! Evangelism Ministry is a champion of street evangelism. We have developed GO! Gospel Tracts in more than 50 languages to aid efforts preaching eternal life and hope beyond the world's hardships. Consider becoming a Street Evangelist by using our GO! Gospel Tracts to preach to the masses in the open streets! Contact us or visit our website to learn more and get started with spreading the message of God effectively!

About GO! Evangelism

We, at GO Evangelism Ministry, Inc., have been supporting gospel ministries across the globe in their mission to spread the Word. Thanks to our tracts, the Gospel is spread every day, in countless parts of the globe, in numerous languages.

At GO Evangelism Ministry, Inc., we have GO! Gospel Tracts that will move anyone into lending their ear to your message. You can develop a highly effective Tract Ministry by including a select choice of tracts in your evangelism efforts. In doing so, you and everyone you touch through your ministry will reap the eternal reward of The Word!

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